It’s so important to have home that feels like a safe haven where we can retreat and recharge in today’s world. Our home should be a cozy and comforting space where we can unwind and let go of the stresses of the day. However, our home environment can also contribute to our stress levels, whether we realize it or not. Negative or stagnant energy can accumulate over time, affecting our mood and well-being. The good news is that there are ways to shift the energy in your home to create a more relaxing and serene environment. In this article, you’ll learn simple ways to transform your home into a peaceful retreat.

[Big sigh of relief…]

Photo: Look Studio

Take An Audit Of Current Energy

Before you even begin making any changes in your home, it’s a good idea to first become aware of the current energy in your home. Are you sleeping well? Do you enjoy spending weekends at home? Do you feel instant relief when you open your front door?

We all know the state of the world these days is stressful. Collectively, we’ve overcome a wild couple of years, there’s no denying that. That’s why your home should be your ultimate safe space because this energy may still be lingering. So if you still feel stressed when you’re home, or maybe you’re not getting full night’s sleep, then it may be time to make some changes to shift the energy in your home. Pay attention to all of your senses and your overall environment at home. Do you see clutter on your shelves? Is the news playing in the background? Is this lighting dark?

Once you take a look around your home, you’ll notice contributing factors to any stressful energy in your space. Thankfully, there are so many ways to instantly shift the energy in your home. Here are some of the top ideas to create instant calm in your home.

shift energy in your home current audit notes
Photo: Karly Ukav

1. Incorporate Feng Shui

Have you ever walked into a room and felt uneasy or stressed, but you can’t quite put your finger on why? Well, that’s where feng shui can really come in handy. It’s a philosophy that’s been used for thousands of years to help people create harmonious, balanced living spaces.

Feng shui is a system of beliefs and practices used to bring balance and harmony to a space. Feng shui is all about flow of energy – bringing the energy back to where it belongs so that you can live in a calm environment free from chaos. When the flow of energy is balanced, we can achieve a sense of tranquility that improves our mental and physical health…not to mention the overall energy within our homes!

Here are some tips for bringing feng shui principles into your space:

  1. Clear the clutter: Get rid of anything that is no longer useful or beautiful in your home. Clutter can block the flow of energy and create chaos in your space.
  2. Use calming colors: Choose colors that promote relaxation, such as soft blues, greens, and neutrals. Avoid bright and bold colors that can overstimulate your senses.
  3. Incorporate natural elements: Bring in natural elements like plants, water, and wood to create a connection with nature and promote a sense of calm.
  4. Arrange furniture with intention: The placement of your furniture can affect the flow of energy in your space. Place furniture in a way that allows for easy movement and promotes conversation.
  5. Create an altar or shrine: Place items that represent peace in a calming display. You don’t have to be religious or spiritual; this could just be something meaningful to you personally, like an item from your childhood. This will create positive energy because these items will remind you how good life really is.
feng shui color psychology interior design yellow meditation
Photo: Pinterest

Related Post: The Powerful Effects of Feng Shui & Color Psychology in Interior Design

2. Dial down the noise

Noise is one of the biggest causes of stress in our homes. A dog barking outside or the TV continuously on can surprisingly impact your mood without even realizing it. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sounds around you, here are some ways to soundproof your space.

  1. Turn off the TV: Even if you’re not consciously watching your TV, advertisements and the content on TV will be processed by your subconscious mind. TV can be the biggest culprit when it comes to stress at home, and it tends to be sneaky. It’s best to just turn it off; or if you want it on, limit the amount of news, violence, or drama shows.
  2. Add rugs and carpets: Rugs and carpet absorb noises from all sides of the room. Not only will these help reduce noise, but it can also add warmth and comfort to your space.
  3. Install soundproofing panels: For a more permanent solution, you can install soundproofing panels on the walls and ceilings of your home. There are surprisingly a lot of aesthetic looking soundproof panels on Amazon that are affordable [see middle image below]!
  4. Incorporate plants into your decor: Not only do plants add beauty and fresh air to your home, but they can also help absorb noise. Plants such as bamboo, rubber plants, and fiddle leaf figs are great choices for reducing noise levels.
  5. Use noise-canceling headphones: There are plenty of noise-canceling headphones on the market, but I’m personally a big fan of the headband headphones. They block out noise and they’re extremely comfortable – even to sleep in!

Related Post: 10 Easy Ways To Soundproof A Room Without Construction

3. Be intentional with scents

One of the easiest ways to shift your energy in your home is through scent. The right scent can help clear your mind, soothe a stressful situation, or even bring back happy memories. If you’re looking for a way to create a relaxing retreat in your home, try using scents that are calming and uplifting.

Here are the best scents that promote relaxation:

  1. Lavender: This is one of the most popular scents for relaxation, as it’s known to reduce anxiety, stress, and even improve sleep quality. Its soothing fragrance is often used in aromatherapy.
  2. Chamomile: The sweet and calming scent of chamomile is often used in teas and essential oils to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It’s also known for its ability to help with insomnia.
  3. Vanilla: The sweet, warm scent of vanilla is another popular choice for relaxation. It’s often used in candles, bath products, and other aromatherapy items.
  4. Rose: The delicate fragrance of rose has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It’s also known for its ability to boost mood and reduce anxiety.
  5. Jasmine: The sweet and exotic scent of jasmine is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. It’s also known for its ability to improve sleep quality.
  6. Sandalwood: This woody and earthy scent is often used in incense and essential oils to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It’s also known for its ability to improve focus and concentration.
  7. Eucalyptus: The fresh and invigorating scent of eucalyptus is often used in essential oils and candles to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It’s also known for its ability to clear the mind and promote mental clarity.

Along with candles and essential oils, it is extremely common for people to clear the negative energy from their homes by burning sage or palo santo. It’s believed that by having a burning sage ritual in your home, it clears negative energy, lifts your spirit, and prevents anxiety and depression.

Photo: Freepik

4. Remove clutter

Clutter can be seen as a reflection of your mental state. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by messes and chaos in your home, it could be an indication that you’re stressed out and need help finding balance. Perhaps you have clutter because you’re stressed – or – it could be the other way around. You may be extra stressed, simply because you have so much stuff in your home.

Clutter is distracting; it pulls our attention away from what we want to focus on. When there’s too much stuff around us, our brains have trouble focusing on anything else. Cluttered spaces also make rooms feel smaller than they really are, and smaller rooms make us feel claustrophobic. So take the advice of Marie Kondo and ask yourself, “Does this spark joy?” And release all the clutter that is creating stress in your life.

maximalism interior design maximalism vs minimalism living room
Photo: Pinterest

5. Choose the right lighting

The lighting in your home is a crucial factor when it comes to creating a peaceful and calming environment. Harsh or lighting that’s too dim can have a negative impact on your mood and energy levels, while soft and warm lighting can help to create a more relaxed atmosphere. By using lighting that is natural, warm, and gentle, you can create an environment that promotes rest and relaxation.

The best lighting is natural light (Vitamin D is the best for lifting our moods!), but if you don’t have a lot of windows or sunlight, use twinkle lights, candles, lamps, and dimmer switches so you can create a cozy glow.

shift energy in your home cozy bedroom lighting
Photo: Medium

6. Make it personal

Personal items, such as family heirlooms, photographs, and sentimental objects, can bring a sense of comfort and familiarity to a space. They serve as a reminder of the happy memories and moments that have been shared with loved ones, and this connection can instantly create a feeling of calm and ease.

It’s important to create a space that feels uniquely yours and represents your personality, as this is what truly makes a house a home (it’s cliche, but true!). By surrounding yourself with items that hold sentimental value, you’ll be able to unwind and relax in a space that’s filled with love and positive energy.

7. Use Technology To Your Benefit

Technology can be a great tool to help shift the energy in your home. From smart TVs to smartphone apps, there are many ways to use technology to create a calm and relaxing environment in your living space.

Here are five ideas to use technology to shift the energy in your home:

  1. Play YouTube ambience videos on your smart TV: Find an ambience video on YouTube that matches the mood you want to create in your home, such as a nature scene with birds and nature sounds.
  2. Use a white noise machine with nature sounds: Block out unwanted noise and create a peaceful environment by using a white noise machine with nature sounds.
  3. Download apps that help with your environment: Apps like AirVisual can help you monitor the air quality in your home, while other apps like Insight Timer offer guided meditations to help you relax.
  4. Use smart lighting: Smart lighting can help you adjust the mood and ambiance of your home. Smart light bulbs are able to be adjusted by your phone or Amazon’s Alexa and can provide any vibe you want at a moment’s notice.
  5. Invest in a smart air purifier: A smart air purifier can help remove pollutants from your home’s air, creating healthier and fresher air.

Related Post: Meditation Room Ideas That Calm All Of Your Senses

Time For Some R&R At Home

Shifting the energy in your home can have a profound impact on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. By implementing some of the tips discussed in this article, you can create a space that feels relaxing, rejuvenating, and peaceful. Remember that your home should be a sanctuary from the stresses of the outside world, and by taking steps to create a positive energy flow, you can transform your living space into a soothing haven – which makes you happier inside and outside! So, take the time to assess your environment and make the changes necessary to create a home that supports your health and happiness.

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